Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 2021.26 - HTML format


  • [NXP-30565] - Avoid race condition during Elasticsearch index initialization
  • [NXP-31167] - Fix ACL setting in structure template when applied by non-admin users
  • [NXP-31199] - Fix REST API when setting an Integer property with an empty String
  • [NXP-31220] - Avoid dumping very large record content on failure
  • [NXP-31223] - Fix random in on MongoDB


  • [NXP-27100] - Enable to configure Kafka in SASL without TLS
  • [NXP-30338] - Fix TestAggregates.testPageProviderBooleanAggregate failing against MongoDB and PG
  • [NXP-30994] - Create a helmfile to deploy benchmark environment
  • [NXP-30995] - Create a pipeline to run benchmark tests


  • [NXP-31201] - Improve retry tuning when Elastic is overloaded

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