- [NXP-22899] - Fix missing translations of nuxeo-drive-server messages in French language
- [NXP-24508] - Fix update of a Word file from MS Office through a WebDAV drive
- [NXP-24599] - Add a new property to restore the old behavior for local ACP computing
- [NXP-24616] - Fix 'Expired' search not filtering properly
- [NXP-24671] - Fix the possibility for nuxeo-spreadsheet to install both JSF and WebUI personalities
- [NXP-24689] - Clicking aggregates does not always refresh the result list
- [NXP-24703] - Multirepository not supported when uid is in payload
- [NXP-24705] - ES sequencer generates NPE when ES is disabled
- [NXP-24803] - Hide DirectEdit icon for attachments
- [NXP-24815] - Don't try to marshal empty string directory values
- [NXP-24818] - Fetch hierarchical directory entry's parent in order to be able to display all parents labels
- [NXP-24833] - Fix detection of registered blob providers
- [NXP-24839] - Keep public OperationContext#push method in maintenance branch
- [NXP-24856] - Make setting to disable workflow cleanup actually work
- [NXP-24637] - Fix Nuxeo Drive Audit query
- [NXP-24828] - Make the CSRF filter work with the Firefox Nuxeo browser extension
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