- [NXP-21038] - Build a demoable Nuxeo FrontEnd App
- [NXP-21041] - CI Integration
- [NXP-21042] - Functional Testing
- [NXP-21045] - Build a demoable Nuxeo FrontEnd App
- [NXP-21046] - Add a Studio Project
- [NXP-21047] - Build a marketplace package
- [NXP-21048] - CI Integration
- [NXP-21049] - Functional Testing
- [NXP-21050] - Polish and give feedback
- [NXP-21215] - Remove thread local in buffering servlet
- [NXP-21288] - materialize configuration in web-engine filter
- [NXP-21290] - web object fields should be injectable
- [NXP-21291] - various cleanup on automation traces
- [NXP-21293] - various improvements on operation typing and processing
- [NXP-21697] - Compute versioning policy on document save
- [NXP-21708] - Add descriptors for policies and filters
- [NXP-21715] - Add EL expression resolution mechanism
- [NXP-21716] - Deprecate old versioning contributions
- [NXP-21755] - Move custom auto versioning to new versioning system
- [NXP-21756] - Add a way to check in document before update instead of after
- [NXP-21823] - Filter out system documents and system updates from auto versioning
- [NXP-7285] - At server shutdown, cleanly close the Office connection before it is interrupted
- [NXP-13934] - Release script > Fix auto increment option on single digit version
- [NXP-14187] - Remove orphan versions after a recursive delete
- [NXP-14218] - Fix XML import when using mixin facets
- [NXP-14283] - FileManagerDocumentModelFactory should use proper document type
- [NXP-16567] - Fix TestClassLoaderInstrumentation under Windows
- [NXP-16831] - Fix Note document type pdf conversion
- [NXP-17203] - Remove "See calendar" button from 'Events' widget as "calendar" view is now a stand-alone widget
- [NXP-17271] - Fix placeholders display on text widgets
- [NXP-17274] - nuxeo-agenda addon: "events" widget should not display dates in german
- [NXP-17322] - Fix Directory cache metrics
- [NXP-17679] - Fix NuxeoLauncher.start() on paths with space on windows
- [NXP-18006] - Fix picture rotation on main file
- [NXP-18415] - Elasticsearch sorting on an unmapped field fails
- [NXP-19006] - addon nuxeo-mediapublishing overrides the content of tab 'TAB_PUBLISH', which prevents publication in a section
- [NXP-19031] - Handle resources cache when updating Nuxeo
- [NXP-19046] - User with 'Read' access on a document can remove tag using the Nuxeo UI, documentation says otherwise
- [NXP-19125] - Can't Export Audit as Excel File
- [NXP-19242] - Fix error message when the uploaded file is empty
- [NXP-19269] - Internationalize audit log's comment in validation workflow
- [NXP-19336] - Fix context menu on widgets 'Document id title with link' and 'Title with link' when used in content view in custom tab
- [NXP-19340] - CoreSession leak due to long time stored references in content template
- [NXP-19373] - Allow use of new Oracle JDBC drivers (ojdbc7)
- [NXP-19466] - Clean up default property value behavior
- [NXP-19524] - Fix "String index out of range: -1" in IE11
- [NXP-19575] - Remove password field from User json payload def
- [NXP-19608] - Deadlock due to synchronized lock in AbstractLiveConnectBlobProvider.getCredential
- [NXP-19660] - Fix My Tasks widget refresh issue when changing the locale
- [NXP-19661] - Fix My Tasks widget wrong content language when changing the locale variant
- [NXP-19709] - Fix random failure on ITPublishDocumentTests#testMultipleVersionsPublicationsByApproval
- [NXP-19711] - After navigating to 'Permissions' tab of a document, drag and drop of a file in 'Summary' or 'Content' tab stops working
- [NXP-19738] - Fix some events are not translated
- [NXP-19956] - Fix shifted value display when performing a quick search
- [NXP-20120] - Fix display when adding a new entry in single suggestion directory widget
- [NXP-20128] - Remove the deprecated nuxeo-platform-audit-web-access
- [NXP-20191] - Fix action when hitting the ENTER key in the Elasticsearch Admin screen
- [NXP-20257] - Fix random failure on CMIS tests
- [NXP-20281] - Wrong link for 'Manage' icon of a collection in 'HOME > Collections'
- [NXP-20282] - Prevent metadata update of blobs managed with liveconnect
- [NXP-20301] - Check nuxeo-forum repository history
- [NXP-20308] - Fix unit tests tear down on Oracle
- [NXP-20310] - Fix drive versioning api tests on Oracle
- [NXP-20313] - Fix failure on TestSQLRepositoryQuery.testEqualsTimeWithMilliseconds on mssql
- [NXP-20316] - Fix documentation in the widget type definition
- [NXP-20333] - Fix Repository Analytics page loading in IE 11
- [NXP-20468] - Drive: random failures on versioning tests
- [NXP-20490] - Fix Windows test canDeleteJar
- [NXP-20500] - Fix unverified mail address when editing user
- [NXP-20584] - Fix ElasticSearch ResultSet Size calculation when Offsets and Limits are in use
- [NXP-20633] - Cannot write some EXIF metadata with PostgreSQL
- [NXP-20668] - Fix semaphore leak in VCS pool when jdbc connections are not available
- [NXP-20791] - Fix timezone handling in datetime widget edit mode
- [NXP-20792] - Fix Java version evaluation at startup
- [NXP-20862] - Re-enable triggers when the ACL optimizations are reactivated on PostgreSQL/SQL Server
- [NXP-20931] - Check if an user or group id is blank before getting the related information
- [NXP-20940] - Fix Salesforce Web "Unhandled 'error' event" build error with Node.js 6.5
- [NXP-21011] - Fix add to collection button visibility in orderable folders
- [NXP-21022] - Fix number of documents generated using the random importer
- [NXP-21062] - Filter out control characters from document properties
- [NXP-21068] - Fix missing link in breadcrumb parent
- [NXP-21079] - temporary blob download URLs should always be available on all cluster nodes
- [NXP-21114] - Fix random failure on DefaultFileSystemItemFactoryFixture in T&P and full build
- [NXP-21119] - Fix random test failure on BatchUploadFixture.testBatchExecuteWithChunkedUpload
- [NXP-21126] - Fix ConversionService contribution override
- [NXP-21127] - Fix ITSelectAndFilterTest.testSelectAndFilter in cluster
- [NXP-21165] - Fix ITSearchTabTest testSearch random failure
- [NXP-21171] - Using Firefox 50, a leading slash is inserted in filename when uploading an attachement
- [NXP-21185] - SliceVideoInParts operation output should be Bloblist instead of List<Blob>
- [NXP-21186] - Edit needed bundle for nuxeo-elasticsearch-core tests
- [NXP-21190] - Fix random MongoDB test failure on ITSearchTabTest testResultColumnSimpleSearch
- [NXP-21194] - Fix multiple suggestion directory behavior when empty and required
- [NXP-21202] - Installing DAM after Web UI should add the Asset search form
- [NXP-21204] - Expired Queue doesn't work
- [NXP-21217] - Fix random bugs in rendition service tests
- [NXP-21222] - Fix SQL Server test doing fulltext query
- [NXP-21225] - Improper check if user can administrate users and groups
- [NXP-21228] - Fix url redirection after shibboleth logout
- [NXP-21229] - Conditional ignore rule should take in account annotated methods
- [NXP-21237] - SliceVideo operation isn't consistent when given duration parameter only
- [NXP-21238] - Fix random test failure on layout-demo ITActionsWidgetTest.testWidget
- [NXP-21239] - Cannot disable ajax support on admin center sub tabs
- [NXP-21240] - Impossible to update a Document with a field containing an invisible unicode character
- [NXP-21255] - redis works popping should run atomically
- [NXP-21256] - unavailable work's queue at completion time
- [NXP-21266] - Default Content Security Policy should whitelist blob scheme
- [NXP-21269] - Performance issue on audit logEvent with concurrency
- [NXP-21272] - Incomplete description of Directory.SuggestEntries operation
- [NXP-21279] - Fix file:content.length JSON serialization type
- [NXP-21281] - User member of a group which name contains a quote gets an error when navigating to 'HOME > Alerts'
- [NXP-21289] - Set blob encoding in JAX-RS response
- [NXP-21294] - automation scripting should run thread-safe
- [NXP-21295] - Fix MarkLogic package marketplace configuration
- [NXP-21299] - Fix randomly-failing CMIS test testSetContentStreamWithDigestHeader
- [NXP-21302] - Fix randomly-failing TestAggregates testPageProvider on Oracle
- [NXP-21303] - Fix randomly-failing TestSnapshotWithDocPersist.testPersistWithLiveDoc on Oracle
- [NXP-21304] - Fix failing test SearchTest.iCanExecuteDefaultSavedSearch on SQL Server
- [NXP-21311] - Default Picture Conversions cannot be disabled
- [NXP-21317] - Fix failures on smart search webdriver tests
- [NXP-21325] - Fix randomly-failing CMIS test testDeleteContentStreamPWC
- [NXP-21328] - Fix indexing of binary attachments for proxies in Elasticsearch
- [NXP-21330] - Fix usage of aliases with Java Automation Client
- [NXP-21336] - Cell separator must not be empty in excel2text converter
- [NXP-21343] - A DocumentModel added to a collection should be immediately aware of its collection membership
- [NXP-21344] - Update on proxy of a document does not trigger a reindex in ElasticSearch
- [NXP-21345] - Fix search in Override operation screen
- [NXP-21346] - Fix randomly-failing testFulltextReindexOnCreateDelete
- [NXP-21347] - Fix timeoff build
- [NXP-21354] - Automation operation 'WebUI.DownloadFile' builds a malformed download URL
- [NXP-21360] - Fix value when generating thumbnail on windows
- [NXP-21361] - Fix webdriver test testMultipleVersionsPublicationsByPublishOver on Windows
- [NXP-21368] - Remove DownloadService cache settings override
- [NXP-21373] - Sync folder not deleted in drive, on permission removal
- [NXP-21375] - installed packages not visible in UI
- [NXP-21377] - Fix digest auth password synchronization
- [NXP-21379] - Fix S3 proxy property configuration
- [NXP-21381] - drag'n'drop in navigation tree does not work after switching tab
- [NXP-21391] - Fix ITSignatureTest.testSignPDF failure
- [NXP-21395] - Code review nuxeoctl connect-report
- [NXP-21396] - Escapes double quote for string value in NXQL - MarkLogic
- [NXP-21398] - document objects are not correctly allocated in jersey
- [NXP-21403] - nxdir:selectOneListbox tag ignores notDisplayDefaultOption
- [NXP-21405] - Escape & and ' characters in MarkLogic queries
- [NXP-21407] - Fix LDAP directory on schema with type restriction (email)
- [NXP-21418] - automation should adapt null value
- [NXP-21419] - don't log chain execution when not in recording mode
- [NXP-21421] - ACE id parsing must deal with username or group with colon
- [NXP-21422] - Fix icon style on navigation by tags page - JSF UI
- [NXP-21424] - Exiftool processing should ignore warnings
- [NXP-21425] - Make BinaryMetadataWork Serializable
- [NXP-21426] - autocommit mode should not be directly set on pooled connections
- [NXP-21428] - Fix AESBinaryManager temporary file management
- [NXP-21431] - unsupported JDK when containing spaces
- [NXP-21433] - addon 'connect-tools-report' always generates all reports even when individual report(s) is/are selected
- [NXP-21435] - Chronicle Queues should be closed at the end of an import
- [NXP-21446] - Fix DBS cache invalidation when running in cluster mode
- [NXP-21447] - RedisClusterInvalidator subscriber does not recover properly on failure
- [NXP-21449] - 'nuxeoctl connect-report' fails when executed in a docker container or a VM (VirtualBox)
- [NXP-21451] - Fix Studio project tags display in update center
- [NXP-21455] - Enable to configure CORS on embedded elasticsearch cluster
- [NXP-21482] - Enable JUL bridge by default
- [NXP-21489] - Fix random test failure on layout-demo ITFileWidgetTest.testWidget
- [NXP-21490] - Fix JSON generation of Nuxeo signature operations in Explorer
- [NXP-21491] - Fix error during concurrent move and getChildren calls on DBS
- [NXP-21495] - Specify event system design
- [NXP-21498] - Fix NPE raised with ids are null
- [NXP-21504] - Context variable 'Event' not available in automation scripting context when triggered on event 'beforeDocumentModification', but it is in automation chain context
- [NXP-21506] - cannot use commas in documentSuggestion widgets
- [NXP-21507] - Drive remote scan should not fail because of OAuth errors on Google Drive documents
- [NXP-21508] - Fix error on drag and drop
- [NXP-21509] - Fix unnecessary invalidations in the tabs management which reset the current sub tabs
- [NXP-21513] - Fix NPE in Subtypes enricher for documents with no facets
- [NXP-21515] - Fix tests timing out waiting for asynchronous indexing
- [NXP-21517] - Fix misc webdriver random failures on layout-demo tests
- [NXP-21521] - Fix MariaDB driver compatibility issues
- [NXP-21523] - Clean up and fix CSV Importer addon
- [NXP-21524] - Fix backward compatibility with the ACL enricher
- [NXP-21526] - Fix LDAP directory password encryption feature
- [NXP-21528] - Missing automation adapters for 'DocumentModelList' parameter
- [NXP-21534] - Fix csv importer async work error when transient file is deleted
- [NXP-21553] - Fix nuxeoctl help URL on file descriptor limit
- [NXP-21554] - Fix CSS for new CLID display in wizard and Admin NOS tab
- [NXP-21558] - Refresh current Folder after csv import is finished
- [NXP-21559] - Add user check when assigning a permission
- [NXP-21562] - Fix MariaDB error line at startup
- [NXP-21572] - Fix missing mail template to notify import result by mail
- [NXP-21574] - vocabulary entries created with Directory.CreateEntries are not visible in widgets
- [NXP-21579] - Don't crash in preview for file without blob
- [NXP-21599] - HF > 17 breaks shibboleth login
- [NXP-21601] - Propagate super type when appending document type descriptors
- [NXP-21602] - Fix Binary Metadata storage incompatibility between the value and the field (simple vs list)
- [NXP-21605] - PDF/A-1 parameter is ignored during conversion
- [NXP-21607] - XML/JSON export must return dates with milliseconds
- [NXP-21610] - Fix missing schema json constraints for list items
- [NXP-21612] - Empty content view default message should have correct grammar.
- [NXP-21634] - Fix Mobile URL generation for Web UI
- [NXP-21635] - Force authentication when the download fails in an anonymous session
- [NXP-21642] - Decode UTF-8 filenames from a multipart request to automation
- [NXP-21645] - Wizard Recap page layout is not formatted properly
- [NXP-21659] - Fix the static WAR distribution generation (nuxeoctl pack)
- [NXP-21660] - Fix startup in XA mode
- [NXP-21663] - Fix DBS cache metrics record
- [NXP-21664] - Add approximative size of DBS cache in metrics
- [NXP-21668] - Change message on import CSV
- [NXP-21669] - Stop status requests on Close
- [NXP-21674] - Content view pagination crashes
- [NXP-21676] - Reset Drive synchronization on copied documents
- [NXP-21680] - Fix batching in DocumentRoutingWorkflowInstancesCleanup listener
- [NXP-21696] - NPE when checking ACE with a null permission name
- [NXP-21707] - RedisWorkManager should not run concurrently works sharing the same id
- [NXP-21717] - Decouple SuggestTagEntry operation from JSF and document tags enricher should return all tags
- [NXP-21718] - PdfViewer not working without JSF
- [NXP-21742] - Fix document access through CMIS when the document holds obsolete facets
- [NXP-21744] - Do not throw an exception for a query on proxies when proxies are disabled
- [NXP-21764] - Tasks assigned to a group should be displayed in the group's members Tasks
- [NXP-21793] - nuxeo-platform-login-shibboleth-jsf is not built
- [NXP-21813] - Fix layout-demo tests using non-h2 database
- [NXP-21831] - Fix random failure on invalid query in ITSearchTabTest.testSearch
- [NXP-21854] - Don't send duplicate ids to Drive by default when creating a Folder/File with an existing title
- [NXP-21858] - CLID value breaks the screen
- [NXP-21863] - Cannot start Nuxeo with Java 8 u121 on Windows
- [NXP-21866] - Fix document uid and path value after creation when skipping versioning
- [NXP-21867] - Fix NPE when unregistering custom contribution to userManager extension point
- [NXP-21872] - Edit Result Columns fancy box cancel button does not reinitialize values
- [NXP-21873] - Fix integration tests after new versioning system
- [NXP-21887] - Saving search does not work in some cases
- [NXP-21888] - Mobile banner script not found on the login page of a Nuxeo server
- [NXP-21890] - Fix Explorer TestSearcher.testSearch on DBS Mem
- [NXP-21893] - Multidb build failing due to missing version of npm dependency on the 3D addon
- [NXP-21934] - Task Rest endpoint should return the task of a workflow instance of which the user is the inititator
- [NXP-21935] - Fix tooltip not showing for nuxeo-render-template-button
- [NXP-21941] - Always exclude versions when querying for Drive synchronization roots
- [NXP-21946] - Relative path is wrong in explorer
- [NXP-21947] - Fix randomly failing slow test testCheckinAndRestoreCollectionWithManyItems
- [NXP-21948] - Fix randomly-failing test testQueryWithSecurity2
- [NXP-21950] - DAM Asset search is not in auto mode
- [NXP-21956] - Move es EVENTS_VIEW page provider to nuxeo-elasticsearch-audit
- [NXP-21957] - select2 calls wrong parameter for page provider
- [NXP-21968] - Don't index root document
- [NXP-21975] - Fix deckjs tests
- [NXP-21986] - Fix thumbnail enricher when using multiple repositories
- [NXP-22031] - Fix issue when setting up MongoDB from wizard
- [NXP-22033] - Fix template rendering in firefox and internet explorer with Web UI
- [NXP-22037] - h:inputText does not have generated onchange anymore
- [NXP-22038] - Fix template rendering samples with JSF UI
- [NXP-22039] - Fix container content display with a custom container in Web UI / IE11
- [NXP-22044] - Fix Studio hot reload
- [NXP-22045] - Fix incorrect error management blocking Tomcat threads
- [NXP-22046] - Drive download links from the Web UI should be dynamic
- [NXP-22048] - NullPointerException when fetching Automation doc with nuxeo-template-rendering-samples installed
- [NXP-22050] - Not able to view spreadsheet editor button in JSF UI
- [NXP-22053] - Google Doc fulltext is not extracted
- [NXP-22054] - Export to PDF with 500 error
- [NXP-22057] - Make it possible to access Home > Alerts tab when you subscribed to notifications
- [NXP-22059] - Search on Size in Web UI doesn't work
- [NXP-22060] - No thumbnail for BOX file
- [NXP-22061] - Fix dialog overlay when saving searches
- [NXP-22064] - Set back aggregate id for content_length_agg
- [NXP-22070] - Web UI - Spreadsheet editor not able to see new fields
- [NXP-22073] - Fix application shortcut name on mobile browsers
- [NXP-22074] - Web UI: Can't use new Nature value
- [NXP-22075] - Fix versioning behavior with DAM
- [NXP-22080] - Fix NPE triggering automation chain through an event
- [NXP-22084] - Fix possible error when accessing the Search Tab after migrating to 9.1
- [NXP-22088] - Fix String split util with escape parameter
- [NXP-22094] - Fix Japanese language activation on JSF UI
- [NXP-22102] - Can't see Showcase Content content on Web UI
- [NXP-22111] - Fix History tab using mongodb-ext
- [NXP-22127] - Fix spurious ConcurrentUpdateException
- [NXP-22140] - Template Rendering Samples shouldn't add old template document types
- [NXP-22143] - Fix D&D on Import popup
- [NXP-19777] - Make it possible to use Nuxeo CSV on the new WEB UI
- [NXP-20928] - Multi-repository compatibility in new Web UI
- [NXP-21044] - Provide a Polymer Sample project
- [NXP-21273] - Search Result Highlight
- [NXP-21275] - Streamlined Versioning Policy
- [NXP-21879] - Enhance Docker image
New Feature
- [NXP-15957] - Add an external link widget
- [NXP-17742] - MongoDB Directories
- [NXP-19435] - Internal change token for optimistic locking
- [NXP-19858] - Provide a relax mode for CMIS connector
- [NXP-20219] - Download binaries from S3 using CloudFront
- [NXP-20380] - Support Elasticsearch Shield authentication
- [NXP-20507] - Provide ability to get search result highlighting from a page provider
- [NXP-20766] - On a template, list documents that have been rendered using this template.
- [NXP-21208] - Modify ES Client initialization to authenticate Shield Administrator
- [NXP-21218] - MongoDB directory
- [NXP-21297] - Add simple nightwatch.js IT ftest package
- [NXP-21510] - Allow patching before packaging
- [NXP-21561] - MongoDB Sequencer
- [NXP-21588] - Implements new Versioning system
- [NXP-21589] - Refactor usages of former Versioning systems
- [NXP-21590] - Add integration tests on new Versioning system
- [NXP-21591] - Add references management in MongoDB directories
- [NXP-21627] - Operations to create or update a user or group
- [NXP-21643] - Implements manual versioning on new system
- [NXP-21679] - Display a custom Mobile banner on the login page, JSF and Web UI
- [NXP-21800] - PubSub Service
- [NXP-21870] - Key/Value Service
- [NXP-21899] - Extended status servlet
- [NXP-16936] - Check if creating a document with a google drive file works using the REST API
- [NXP-18555] - Deprecate the filename (sub-)field of the file and files schemas
- [NXP-18985] - Add a NOT LIKE operator to Content metadata in Smart search queries
- [NXP-19109] - Improve RedisClusterInvalidator reliability
- [NXP-19726] - Upgrade to Tomcat 7.0.81
- [NXP-20555] - Split spreadsheet package with JSF / Web UI
- [NXP-21172] - nuxeo-platform-login-portal-sso shouldn't have a transitive dependency on javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api
- [NXP-21274] - Search Result Highlight Specifications
- [NXP-21276] - Versioning technical exploration
- [NXP-21300] - Remove nuxeo-salesforce module from addons
- [NXP-21331] - Remove last CAP occurrences from the nuxeo-distribution README files
- [NXP-21341] - Move back org.nuxeo.ecm.admin.runtime classes in admin-center-core module
- [NXP-21350] - Use specific template and JDBC driver for MariaDB
- [NXP-21352] - Review the nuxeo-connect-tools modules
- [NXP-21401] - Upgrade to nuxeo-connect-client 1.5-SNAPSHOT
- [NXP-21402] - Upgrade to nuxeo-connect-client 1.5
- [NXP-21408] - Update user permissions enricher to include more core and all visible permissions
- [NXP-21448] - Remove forum addon and package for 9.1
- [NXP-21484] - Migrate CSV importer to Web UI
- [NXP-21486] - Migrate template rendering to new Web UI
- [NXP-21502] - Add frontend-maven-plugin to root nuxeo pom
- [NXP-21532] - Specify the way backing services should be checked before starting Nuxeo
- [NXP-21556] - Backport needed nuxeo-csv dev to 8.10 for web-ui and release mp for 8.10
- [NXP-21560] - Split template rendering for JSF UI
- [NXP-21644] - Refactor nuxeo-search-form to have one per search
- [NXP-21713] - Move EL module to Core
- [NXP-21723] - Create action to clear bindings and delete template
- [NXP-21753] - Mark signature package as ready for production
- [NXP-21754] - Mark smart search package as ready for production
- [NXP-21773] - German and Japanese translations for 9.1
- [NXP-21774] - Update default and incomplete languages for 9.1
- [NXP-21777] - Review English labels and apply capitalization properly
- [NXP-21795] - Update addons available in wizard for 9.1
- [NXP-21796] - Make Web UI the default user interface
- [NXP-21827] - Run unit tests using a real Redis instance
- [NXP-21844] - Adapt template rendering samples for 9.1 / web ui
- [NXP-21876] - Replace paper-item by nuxeo-page-item
- [NXP-21886] - Create custom mongoDB auto-increment logic for directories
- [NXP-21933] - Rename MongoDB Ext package
- [NXP-21943] - Make JSF UI checked on wizard for 9.1
- [NXP-21944] - Release Web UI clients for 9.1
- [NXP-21955] - Replace Japanese message in admin-center
- [NXP-21983] - Make spreadsheet checked by default on wizard
- [NXP-22041] - Remove nuxeo-box-api from addons for 9.1
- [NXP-22076] - Remove deprecated API from the NotificationManager
- [NXP-22686] - Upgrade and release Getting Started Studio project
- [NXP-8890] - Improve error log when registering a listener refering to missing class
- [NXP-8902] - Nuxeo CMIS client should prevent dirty updates (overwriting other's changes)
- [NXP-17610] - Enable multiple file attachment in scan importer xml parser
- [NXP-17707] - Add a way to report warning on nuxeoctl status
- [NXP-19961] - Display tasks list by due date by default
- [NXP-20595] - Reduce the number of DBS queries during document creation
- [NXP-20628] - Caches should have metrics by default
- [NXP-20665] - Add Support for CMIS Change Tokens in nuxeo-chemistry
- [NXP-20843] - Move permissions_purge to core
- [NXP-20844] - Add operation to trigger PermissionsPurgeWork
- [NXP-20888] - Rewrite Signature Addon Selenium tests in WebDriver
- [NXP-20892] - DBS deltas information used by quota can be slow
- [NXP-20998] - Index text of Adobe Illustrator and EPS files
- [NXP-21051] - Deploy a bundle partially
- [NXP-21121] - Add useful projections for NXQL on DBS layer
- [NXP-21163] - Add a off heap queue impl for the nuxeo importer queue addon
- [NXP-21196] - Removes SerializableArrayMap and ArrayMap and use basic Map implementation
- [NXP-21227] - Improve Elasticsearch indexing throughput by optimizing bulk payload
- [NXP-21245] - Allow RandomBug.Repeat annotation on features
- [NXP-21250] - Allow uploading a given binary file in webdriver tests
- [NXP-21260] - Add an option to the random importer to use an English dictionnary
- [NXP-21278] - Prevent ClassCastException if null is read from MongoDB
- [NXP-21327] - Return error on CMIS cancelCheckOut of document with cmis:versionLabel set to null
- [NXP-21329] - Handle .md file in release script in order to replace version
- [NXP-21338] - Use millisecond precision on MySQL/MariaDB
- [NXP-21342] - Use full millisecond precision on SQL Server
- [NXP-21378] - Deprecate methods of FileUtils
- [NXP-21394] - Complete nuxeoctl help on connect-report
- [NXP-21409] - Add sequence trace on indexing conflict
- [NXP-21432] - Update AWS SDK to latest version 1.11.93
- [NXP-21459] - Create a new addon for producers/consumers with multi queues
- [NXP-21511] - Remove dependency on com.noelios.restlet.util.Base64 in nuxeo-platform-login-portal-sso
- [NXP-21533] - Better deal with environment variables in Docker images
- [NXP-21568] - Add error feedback when csv importer is in error
- [NXP-21571] - Fix jsf dependencies in nuxeo-csv core
- [NXP-21617] - CSS for suspended workflow node should be more distinct
- [NXP-21675] - Activate Tomcat access logs by default
- [NXP-21677] - Compact Elasticsearch JSON _source field
- [NXP-21678] - DBS Cache is not performing well on import
- [NXP-21712] - Fix misc contentions on document creation
- [NXP-21759] - Make ecm:isLatestVersion an optional feature
- [NXP-21769] - Expose hard-coded URLs in OpenShift Dockerfiles as Builder ARGs
- [NXP-21775] - Upgrade to org.nuxeo:nuxeo-ftest:1.8.2
- [NXP-21786] - Update Nuxeo Login Page for 9.1
- [NXP-21810] - Gatling tests must be skipped if skipITs=true
- [NXP-21828] - Allow proxies to be visible through CMIS by default
- [NXP-21847] - Improve nuxeo-tree-snapshot performance
- [NXP-21851] - Add support for AWS Rekognition
- [NXP-21853] - Allow to not overwrite an existing folder at import
- [NXP-21891] - Enable blob dispatch based on xpath
- [NXP-21936] - Add Property.getXPath method
- [NXP-21938] - Allow configuration of multiple transient store in Docker container
- [NXP-21951] - Improve deployment error message
- [NXP-21953] - Release Timeoff Studio plugin
- [NXP-21989] - Document versioning policy and filter extension points
Clean up
- [NXP-21025] - Remove deprecated code for LTS 2017
- [NXP-21093] - Shibboleth: typo issues
- [NXP-21332] - Clean up use of DocumentModelImpl RunWithCoreSession
- [NXP-21334] - Don't implicitly reconnect a DocumentModel
- [NXP-21382] - Remove deprecated datasource config from tests
- [NXP-21439] - In tests don't use fake PDFs if not needed
- [NXP-21444] - Move test request controller contribution file
- [NXP-21570] - Deprecate scope in DocumentModel context data
- [NXP-21596] - Cleanup ThemeStylingService leftover style registry
- [NXP-21801] - Refactor invalidations to use PubSub service
- [NXP-21892] - Clean up nuxeo-vision code
- [NXP-21949] - Disable ehcache update check on startup
- [NXP-21962] - Move operations CreateUser and QueryUsers to nuxeo-features
User story
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