Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 5.6.0-HF27 - HTML format


  • [NXP-13089] - When a user loses the Read permission on a document, delete it locally except if it has been modified since last synchronization
  • [NXP-13090] - Specify how we can implement a correct cleanup of documents for which user lost read permission
  • [NXP-13119] - Take into account a security update in the audit change finder


  • [NXP-11146] - Invalidate synchronization roots cache if ACL change
  • [NXP-12227] - Nuxeo Synchonization Root folders registrations and unregistrations are not propagated to the client
  • [NXP-13109] - Possible ACLR cache corruption on SQLServer
  • [NXP-13117] - Drive: HTTPS proxy check is done using an HTTP request
  • [NXP-13162] - Don't fail versioning if no versioning options are specified
  • [NXP-13193] - seam timezone cookie not well initialized on firefox 25
  • [NXP-13205] - Fix container widget on 5.6 when hiding subwidgets


  • [NXP-13112] - Upgrade to Richfaces 3.3.1.GA-NX9.01
  • [NXP-13120] - Drive: allow to relax constraint on a user sync root when adapting a document as a FileSystemItem
  • [NXP-13207] - Drive: persist last synchronization date per pair state
  • [NXP-13209] - Drive: handle 'unsynchronized' pair state


  • [NXP-13152] - Reorganize Drive tab in User center

User story

  • [NXP-11159] - As a user, when I remove Read rights from a synchronized folder/workspace, I expect an action on the local folders
  • [NXP-13088] - As a User, when I delete on the server, a file that has been modified offline by another user, what happens

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