Bulk Operation

  1. Choose Issues
  2. Choose Operation
  3. Operation Details
  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Components P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Reporter Assignee Created Updated Backlog priority Development
Sub-task NXP-9297

NXP-8642 ajax callback not handled when timeout occur in dnd

Seam / JSF UI Minor Resolved Fixed 5.5.0-HF07, 5.6-RC1, 5.6 Stéphane Lacoin Stéphane Lacoin
Sub-task NXP-9288

NXP-8642 empty downloaded file when size > 2GB

Web Common Minor Resolved Fixed 5.4.2-HF22, 5.5.0-HF07, 5.6-RC1, 5.6 Stéphane Lacoin Stéphane Lacoin
Sub-task NXP-8662

NXP-8642 Seam UI cannot import files > 2GB

Seam / JSF UI Minor Resolved Fixed 5.4.2-HF16, 5.5.0-HF01, 5.6-RC1, 5.6 Florent Guillaume Florent Guillaume
Sub-task NXP-8661

NXP-8642 Ajax4JSF UI cannot import files > 2GB

Seam / JSF UI Minor Resolved Fixed 5.7.2 Florent Guillaume Anahide Tchertchian 550
Sub-task NXP-8644

NXP-8642 WebDAV file download does one useless file copy on filesystem

WebDAV Minor Resolved Fixed 5.5.0-HF01, 5.6-RC1, 5.6 Florent Guillaume Florent Guillaume
Sub-task NXP-8641

NXP-8642 JSF UI cannot list files > 2GB

Seam / JSF UI Major Resolved Fixed 5.4.2-HF16, 5.5.0-HF01, 5.6-RC1, 5.6 Florent Guillaume Florent Guillaume
Sub-task NXP-8640

NXP-8642 OOM on huge file MIME type detection

Core Major Resolved Cannot Reproduce 5.6 Florent Guillaume Florent Guillaume
Sub-task NXP-8639

NXP-8642 WebDAV should be able to create files > 2GB

WebDAV Major Resolved Fixed 5.4.2-HF16, 5.5.0-HF01, 5.6-RC1, 5.6 Florent Guillaume Florent Guillaume
