Bulk Operation

  1. Choose Issues
  2. Choose Operation
  3. Operation Details
  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Components P Status Resolution Fix Version/s Reporter Assignee Created Updated Backlog priority Development
Sub-task NXP-21442

NXP-21356 Add the "Versioning" pill and page on nuxeo tree snapshot web UI

Tree Snapshot Minor Resolved Won't Do ADDONS_8.10 Estelle Giuly Estelle Giuly
Sub-task NXP-21441

NXP-21356 Add the "Snapshot Folder" action on nuxeo tree snapshot web UI

Tree Snapshot Minor Resolved Fixed 8.10 Estelle Giuly Estelle Giuly
Sub-task NXP-21440

NXP-21356 Create nuxeo-tree-snapshot-web-ui module

Tree Snapshot Minor Resolved Fixed 8.10 Estelle Giuly Estelle Giuly
