Type: Bug
Status: Resolved
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Affects Version/s: 10.10, 2021.0
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Image Management
Backlog priority:700
Sprint:nxplatform #52, nxplatform #53
Story Points:2
It is possible to recompute the picture views of a document storing an image through different APIs:
- the JSF UI administration page http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/nxadmin/default/default-domain@view_admin?tabIds=MAIN_TABS%3Aadmin%2CTREE_EXPLORER%3Anavtree_CONTENT_TREE%2CNUXEO_ADMIN%3AImaging
- the automation operation Picture.RecomputeViews
- the bulk action recomputeViews
The problem is that using the JSF UI administration page or the automation operation Picture.RecomputeViews, it generates a documentModified entry in the document's audit trail, while the bulk action recomputeViews. Also dublincore properties of the document should not be updated (dc:modified and dc:lastModified).
- split to
NXP-30705 Prevent bulk action 'recomputeViews' from updating document's dublincore properties
- Resolved